
This asana is part of the key movements in rearward bending movements. As its name denotes, this movement is similar to that of a "locust to a great extent" and is performed in three levels, preparatory, mediocre and advanced.
Muscles active in the Salabhasana movements:

Two groups of muscles are strengthened in the Shalabhasana (movements):

The observance of helpful features for a better performance of Salabhasana:
Super advanced Salabhasana:

Adhere to the Salabhasana position and place the palms, in a fisted fashion, under the thighs.

The chin is on the floor. Contract the pelvic and knee muscles and insert pressure on the ground from the end of the pelvic, keeping the legs straight and stretched out. Together with exhalation, the legs should be lifted from the pelvic region, taking it as high as possible.

In this condition, the sides of the knees and heels should be stretched together and the muscles on the legs should be stretched to the maximum and this position should be maintained for 10 to 15 seconds, returning to the initial stage, relax or release all the muscles so that the prostration of the waist can be performed.