Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

This pose means a “dog” holding the head upwards or high and yawning.
Muscles active in the Urdha Mukha Svanasana movements:
Preparations for movements in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:

Salabhasana and its variations

Cobra and its varieties

Orthopedic movements of the wrist and shoulder

Important points to observe in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:

The incidence of pain in the lumbar region in this case: 

   A. Compression of the vertebrae in the lumbar region

   B. Compression of tissues in between the vertebrae (disc, cartilage and ligament)

Pain sensors in the external prolongation of bones and in the soft internal tissues approximately specifythe extent of injury.

In order to support the lumbar region (waist) this principle must be observed: 

A. An increase in the distance between the vertebrae which is created with the help of a pull up bar. The movement with this bar, increases the distance between the vertebrae in the medial and lumbar region and causes flexibility in the discs. The discs absorb more water and become more voluminous, creating more space for bending backwards, before there is a compression in the vertebrae.

B. (The action) of bending backwards should be dispersed in the entire vertebral column and the hip joint in a uniform manner so that injury to the lumbar region is prevented or back.

For long-term experience, auxiliary equipment such as a chair and a cube is used (refer to auxiliary equipment section):

Auxiliary equipment in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:

Utilizing a chair:

A. The hip joint or thighs are in contact with the edge of the chair and the hands grasp the outer edge of the chair seat with the fingers facing the floor.

B. Pull the shoulders downwards and backwards and simultaneously lift the breast bone.

C. Straighten out the legs in such a manner that the toes rest on the ground, heels lifted and are pulled backwards.

D. Quadriceps in a contracted conditions so that the knees are straightened.

Utilizing a cubes:

Fold a blanket into four and place two cubes on it in such a way that one length of the cube is on the blanket and its other end is on the ground.

Place the hands on the cube in such a manner that the finger incline towards the floor.