
This movement means an “arc”. The condition of the body is in a kind that resembles a bow and is the key movement in yoga.
Muscles active in the Dhanur Movements:
Preparation for Dhanur:
Observing the important points in Dhanur:
Auxiliary equipment for Dhanur:

Dhanur is worked out in two sections:

A. (To raise the chest) use cube and pillow:

   Place the pillow on the cube in a sloping manner which should be kept under the breast bone. In this position the thighs are on the ground and the hands cover the legs, gives a better expansion to the chest

B. (To raise the thighs) utilize a blanket folded in four:

Place the folded blanket under the hip joint, in this position the thighs get raised in a better manner, but the chest cavity is relatively closer to the ground.